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28 to elevate PROGRAM, 

...where you'll learn to make simple and effective shifts to implement in everyday life for sustainable change in 28 days!

Meet Candace M Hoke

I'm so glad you are here!  I can't wait to share my story & how I fell through the cracks of the medical profession.  Not just once!  You'd have no clue by looking at me that I was told in my early 20s my life would be quite short.  

Not much of a diagnosis with a good prognosis!  For 2 years, I was hospitalized every 2 months.  I would stay 1-2 weeks while doctors searched my blood.  The end result was "FUO".  I had been tested for every disease known to man.  They had no clue why I was so sick.

That was the beginning of a whole new world for me - or the ending of my old life of believing "doctors know best".  It opened my mind to finding out there were ways to support my body.  

I turned to books on what some call "alternative".  I enrolled in classes to learn more.  If the doctors at a world renowned hospital - where people come to from all over the world - couldn't find that 1 cell to confirm their suspicions of Leukemia or non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma  - that was there problem - not mine.

You'd have no clue that in the 90's I was severely injured while shopping for dog food in a big box store.  I learned ambulances are not the smoothest rides in town.  Testing would reveal: popped spinal cord in 3 places between C1 & C3, broken neck & back along with some deep bone bruises in other vertebrae, TBI that bled for a minimum of 18 months but was gone when retested at 23 months from injury, brachial plexopathy. cubital nerve damage, dropped foot - the list goes on.  

Again I was told my life as I knew it was over.  The photo here proves I didn't accept that prognosis either.  Would I ever jump over 6 feet again?  No - but there were more horses to train & other classes to win.

I can't wait to help you find the resources you may choose to support your own body & mind - or that of your family, friends & animals.  I'm all about Empowering Independence!  
